Think I've worn all three of these masks. Nice to know its just human nature ;)

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don't scare me like that, Husun 😨

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May 31Liked by sol s⊙therland

Your example of changing schools resonated with me - I changed mine at 15 and tried to blend in by using slang haha. So relatable :)

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May 25Liked by sol s⊙therland

Sol, your article on the psychology behind role-playing and social masks is really insightful. It's interesting to think about how we all adapt our behavior depending on the context we're in. I particularly resonated with the idea of self-protection—putting on a confident front in stressful situations is something many of us do, often without realizing it. Great read! 🙌💯

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Nuezen, thank you for your thoughtful comment! I'm glad you found the article insightful.

It's fascinating how we all adjust our behavior to fit different contexts, often as a form of self-protection. Putting on a confident front in stressful situations is a common way to cope, even if we don't always realize we're doing it.

Tell me, how do you find yourself adapting in different situations? I would say your connection to the topic adds another layer of understanding to the discussion 👀

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May 26Liked by sol s⊙therland

Sol, thank you for your response! I definitely find myself adapting in different situations. At work, I tend to be more reserved and professional, whereas with close friends, I can be more relaxed and open. It’s interesting to reflect on how these adjustments are often automatic and driven by a desire to fit in or protect ourselves. 🙂

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Love it, thank you for sharing, Neuzen! :)

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