May 17Liked by sol s⊙therland 🔸

That’s a great recap, Sol! Thank you. Love will always take us far as human beings and communities and love is the contrary of fear. If you don’t fear not to be worthy enough, not to be loved, to lack of anything and, at last, the hardest, to die, you will be able to apply love to every area of your life and walk through it faithfully with joy. As you say it very well, it takes a lot of conscious choices to achieve that but it is so worthy a work! Lots of love.

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Well said Geraldine!

Love really does have the power to transform our lives and communities. When we let go of fear—whether it's fear of not being enough, not being loved, or even fear of death—we open ourselves up to living with joy and purpose.

Lots of love too 🧡

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Thank you for these reminders, Sol! We're in the midst of performance evaluation season, and despite my good "grades", I tend to focus on the [constructive] criticism. This post reminded me that there is always room for growth, and that's okay.

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Regina, I admire your great attitude-It's easy to get caught up in the critiques, but remembering your strengths is just as important.

Growth is a journey, and it sounds like you're on the right path. Keep up the good work, and keep learning from both the praise and the feedback, Regina!

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May 16Liked by sol s⊙therland 🔸

Excellent explanation! Thank you for sharing

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Which part was your favourite?

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May 16Liked by sol s⊙therland 🔸

Integrity for sure , it kind of encompasses all other traits.

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Smita! Thank you for reading too :)

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